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OiSHi and its great variety of colors

Do you know the colors of OiSHi? So that you can always carry your OiSHi with you, at ataraina we have created a variety of selected colors.     From lively and summery colors to more formal ones. Choose your favorite color! The OiSHi design has been created for style. Its...


OiSHi – Captures the smallest particles, even viruses!

OiSHi - Captures the smallest particles, even viruses!     Today we want to talk to you about an issue that is the order of the day at the moment and that is causing much concern to the majority of the population, viruses and their spread. In these times,...


New video! – ataraina & KABUKI –

New video! - ataraina & KABUKI -   From ataraina we wanted to present our products in a special and original way; That is why we decided to combine the new technology with the most traditional facet of Japan, in order to demonstrate that they can be...


IFA Berlín 2020 3 -7 sep 2020

IFA Berlin 2020 3 -7 sep 2020   This year the edition of IFA Berlin has been altered by the situation we have been experiencing for a few months; but that has not stopped it from continuing. Reinvent yourself or die! That is why this year has...